March 4, 2011


Beejer's parents stayed with us in our little apartment the past two nights so they could attend meetings at BYU during the day. It, of course, is always a delight to have them around. Both nights we went to bed late, finding it hard to pull ourselves away from interesting and fun conversation.
Last night, in addition to Kim and JaLayne, we had a surprise guest visitor, my adorable sister in law Dani Bree. In typical Dani Bree fashion, (and I only mean this in the best way) she was a little confused about the plan of events for the day- thought she'd be spending the night with her parents in Park City, stayed with them all day to eventually end up there, and instead found herself after patiently waiting all day... at our house. A fairly less glamorous ending location, but a pretty great one nonetheless.
Like always, I was thrilled to see Dani, and it was especially fun since it was such a surprise.
She has an energy and enthusiasm for life that is contagious. She is entertaining to be around because of her candid questions and wonderings. And more than anything, she is always such a great example to me.
She's the baby sister that I never had, and I love that about her. Coincidentally, a lot of times when I'm around her, she makes me feel like the baby sister because of her mature-beyond-her-years faith-centered perspective, her sincere desire to do what's right, and her unwavering obedience. She writes faithfully in her journal, studies the scriptures consistently and well, reads other testimony-boosting material in addition to her scriptures, goes to the temple once a week, and is always striving to be the best wife she could possibly be.
But my very favorite thing about Dani Bree, the thing that I admire the most, is her great desire to be a mom. She knows how important her role as a mother will be, and she knows there is no more important work for her to do. I love this about her because this quality and desire in women seems to be more and more rare. But Dani Bree knows. She knows what is right, and that will always, always be what she chooses.
To see Dani Bree's blog visit: