June 1, 2014

The Time Ellie Proceeded to Claw Her Brother, Make Him Laugh, and Declare, "I Love Lorenzo" All In One Day

Their relationship is still touch-and-go as I imagine it most likely will always be. But break-throughs are made every so often that make my heart practically burst. I adore these two and want them to adore each other, and although this morning started with Ellie viciously scratching Lorenzo's bare chest and making him bleed, it ended with her making him laugh hysterically over and over again as she yelled "boo" to him in his high chair and then with her telling BJ and I, "I love Lorenzo" in the most angelic voice I have ever heard. These two...there are not words, pictures, or songs to describe the rollercoaster ride these two take me on. The best rollercoaster I've ever known.

1 comment:

  1. I finally got on the computer! it's a miracle. i'm so, so happy you are back. i adore all of these posts!
