October 24, 2011

I Really Shouldn't Be Doing This...

But computer time is always so alluring when my two babies (aka Ellie and BJ) are asleep and no longer in need of me and my time. It's 10:52 and I swear I was ready to go to bed at 7. But here I am- bright eyed and bushy tailed just bloggin' away.
I'm reading two books right now; one of which I already mentioned. But the other one, the one I haven't yet mentioned and am just about to mention, is really quite interesting and entirely reshaping the way that I've been trained to think my entire life. That is, the way I've been trained to think about food.
The book is called Real Food.
Nina Planck, who's parents decided to leave their suburban life when she was two years old to become vegetable farmers, wrote the book. Her case is for food that our ancestors were raised on that we have been trained to consider "fattening." As stated in the book, "Everyone loves real food, but they're afraid bacon and eggs will give them a heart attack- thus the culinary abomination known as the egg-white omelet. But it turns out that tossing out the yolk isn't smart. Real Food reveals why traditional foods are not only delicious- everyone knows that butter tastes better- but are actually good for you, making the nutritional case for egg, cream, butter, grass-fed beef, roast chicken with the skin, lard, cocoa butter, and more."
Interested? View some photos of my Saturday autumn adventures and then read some more...

This information is appealing to me because in the most simplistic form... it makes sense. Planck does a thorough job proving scientifically that these adulterous foods such as butter, full fat milk products, chicken with the skin, red meat (not lean), pork (not lean), and oils are really good for us. Of course she  speaks most highly of vegetables and fruits and their numerous health benefits, but she simply states that foods in their whole, unprocessed forms are healthiest. 
Her opinion is not in favor of sugar or white flour but does promote homemade food over preservative laden store bought imitations. She sings praises of made from scratch meals and homemade desserts occasionally. This information appeals to me because this kind of food is good for you and extremely satisfying. We as humans weren't meant to survive on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat and olive oil alone. Real, whole foods are good for us. Even if they are naturally fattening.
Anyway... I completely recommend reading this book. I have found it compelling and motivating as a wife and mother. There is something so wholesome about preparing a meal for loved ones and I feel like this has broadened my horizons in doing that. I recommend reading the book because if I have created any descrepancies in my interpretation of her writing you can read it all for yourself and see clearly why eating this way makes sense.
If not for any other logical explanation that lends myself to believe her opinion- I think we all can agree on one simple fact... our ancestors in general were healthier, stronger, thinner, and more fit than the majority of Americans are today. Read it. See what you think. And please forgive me that these pictures have no relevance to this post- no matter how adorable they may be.

"Eating is our most fundamental and sensual act. It never did make sense to me that eating what's good for you should mean depriving yourself of foods you desire. Now Nina Planck explains exactly why we are drawn to foods that delight our senses and keep us healthy." -Bill Niman 
Of course she had me convinced and nodding along when in one of the very opening paragraphs she defends the ever brilliant case of breastfeeding. Can I get an amen brotha?

And now it's 11:38 and I know I'm not gonna be able to sleep cause my mind's all a-whiz with internet images. And although that's not information you care much about, you may like to know that I'm intending to make Bacon Chicken and Dumplings and a green salad for dinner tomorrow. Real Food. Holla.

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