May 17, 2011

39 weeks

I am two days shy of my due date. I had some photos taken on Friday and I think they are an accurate depiction of how this pregnancy has been for me. I feel like I'm living a miracle with this baby girl growing inside me. I've been blessed to be healthy, happy, and able to fully enjoy being pregnant. Although I am so excited to meet the little one, I really think I'm gonna miss her living inside me. My belly has become a part of me, and it's not gonna be around much longer.
I'm still only dilated to a one, but I did have my membranes stripped yesterday and this morning I lost my mucous plug. (Pardon the gory details.) I'm having contractions that are mild and inconsistent- but they are happening nonetheless. My mom and I took a long walk today so hopefully this gal will be on the way soon.
Emotions of all sorts have been manifesting themselves this week: anticipation, anxiousness, excitement, and a little bit of nervousness. But last night as I went into the nursery to add one more thing to my hospital bag, I was overwhelmed with joy when I realized that sometime in the next week Ellie Layne will be resting quietly in her yellow crib. I can't believe I'm gonna have a baby.
Oh happy day!


  1. You are beautiful Ellery! I'm so excited for you to have that baby girl! Can't wait to see pictures. Good luck with everything!

  2. These pictures just brought tears to my eyes. I loved every moment of being pregnant. That baby becomes a part of you. There is always a special bond between baby and momma. You are gorgeous! I can't believe your due date is here. So exciting! I can't wait to meet Ellie! Newborns are the sweetest.

  3. Heavens elle-who looks that amazing when pregnant? NO ONE, but you of course! Pretty girl, pretty outfits, pretty pictures- who took them? You're a star.

  4. AnonymousMay 18, 2011

    Oh Ell, these are absolutely stunning. You look so beautiful! I have been anxiously waiting for the day that I open your blog and see pictures of sweet Ellie Jane! I hope your delivery goes smooth and fast! Good luck momma!! You will be amazing :)

  5. you are breathtaking Elle! i'm so excited to meet Ellie Layne- it's about time she make her appearance!!!

  6. ebaum - I can't wait to get a text, email, blog post, facebook status, etc. letting me know that miss ellie layne has arrived!!!!
